Sunday, August 14, 2011


I take for granted that Brent and I understand each other, without speaking. We're like a well-oiled machine most of the time. We've been together as one for more than half of our lives here on Earth. We have an advantage in marriage, I believe, because of this. Marriage is not something that we feel like we are having to "work" at. We both understand that there are just some unspoken family rules that evolve. While attending college, when my major was counseling, I took a Marriage and Family Therapy course. One article that our professor had us read has stayed with me all these years. I read the article to Brent, too. I still read the article a few times each year as a refresher. You can read the article by clicking here. Just understanding the dynamics of relationships will help marriages. Tonight I want to share one of our family process rules. These rules are understood but not usually talked about. Brent and I don't do "girls only" or "guys only" rituals that some couples participate in. Even if it's as simple as having a girl's only dinner or a guy's only football shindig. We've never once told one another that we don't want to participate in them, or told each other that the other one can't go. It's implicit. It's understood. It's us. Some say it's unhealthy not to have "me" time. But there is no, "me" in "us." Now that we have Brenlee and Cadence, it's the same. We'll still have "us" time, (stay with me) which is equivalent to "me" time, because Brent and I are like one. We also have lots of family time, with the four of us together. That's when we are the happiest. Hope you get something out of reading this.....and please DO go read the article---it's wonderful!

Question for you: What Implicit Family Rule does your family have?

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