Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Go outside and look up at the beauty in the sky. Unless your in Lamesa, TX, you'll probably see beautiful clouds, birds, airplanes and an occasional leaf flutter by. Those of you reading from West Texas, you may see clouds of swirling dirt. Sorry. Well, Brenlee and Cadence are starting to notice everything. What a blessing that we are allowed to see the beauty that God creates for us daily. Yesterday Brenlee was sitting in one of our swings and I noticed her gazing at the zoo animals on the mobile above her head. I turned it on so that it would spin and she followed it with her precious little eyes. She sat for 30 minutes just gazing and thinking...oh and I know she was thinking since she got that real serious look and put her finger to her chin! Well, today my Mom laid Cadence in that same swing as she had to leave and go to work. I turned on some white noise so that they would go to sleep. After 15 minutes, Cadence was still just gazing around the room, so I turned the mobile on. Immediately it caught her eyes! She sat amused for several minutes captivated by the new vision she's been given!
 I'm so very thankful that both girls have been blessed with eyes that work! :)
On another note, Cadence is already starting to laugh! She laughed with Bruce one time last week and I really thought it was just a coincidence that she happened to make a noise that sounded remotely like a laugh while she was smiling-since she wasn't even 5 weeks old.....or adjusted age of 2 weeks old since she was born early! Well, Lolli was holding her last night after her bath, which by the way-she enjoyed, and she nodding off to sleep. She had a full-blown grin from ear-2-ear and she was laughing. Grant it, it wasn't a loud laugh, but it WAS definitely laughing! Brenlee will smile occasionally when we're talking crazy or making silly sounds; she'll start breathing harder, too. It's reassuring to see those smiles and my heart melts every time! Well, better go for now....the shower is calling my name!

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