Monday, July 18, 2011

What's Wrong With Her Head?

As of late, we've been getting the question, "What's WRONG with her head" every time we go out into public with Brenlee. Facebook friends have even started to question it. Well, it's a birthmark. We believe that birthmarks make people special and God placed it there, uniquely on Brenlee's crown. It's called a Strawberry Hemangioma. Believe it or not, it's one of the most common types of birthmarks. You can read more about them here:
Brenlee doesn't even know she has this birthmark, it is not painful. As a family, we've decided NOT to make a big deal about it. We will embrace it and build her confidence so she'll be able to handle remarks like we've been getting. I'm actually surprised that people ask, really. BUT, we take the opportunity to give a mini lesson on what it is to spread awareness. So, if you were wondering, but kind enough not to ask, I hope this puts your mind at ease. Here is the latest picture of her Strawberry, and YES we expect it to keep on growing until she's at least 2....

I love her birthmark, and I hope you will, too. Don't be afraid of it, it's not going to rupture. (As long as you don't poke it with a sharp object-----but most would recommend NOT to get sharp, pointy object near ANY baby's head!

Question for you:
How do you handle inquisitions that bother you??


  1. You're such a wonderful mother. :-)

    And I honestly have no idea how I'd answer questions that bother me.

  2. When I look at Brenlee I don't see the birthmark. I know it's physically there, but it's just become apart of who she is.
