Friday, January 13, 2012


I love dreams. I have them frequently, when I sleep, ahem, when the girls allow me to sleep for long stretches. Last night I dreamed that an old friend, Courtney, was getting married....last time I dreamed that, she was indeed getting married and had a precious baby boy soon after---so Court, are you pregnant again?!? Anyhow, it was such a FUN dream. Lots of old friends, like Tanner, Natali, Lilly, Toby, Alex, Kaylee, Brooklynn,  Mo, Chase, Jesika and Jase were in there....along with Brenlee and Cadence. It was loads of fun having all the kids together and watching Courtney get married, sorta Grand Ol' Opry Style! Last night I had three dreams. I don't remember if they were all related, but the part I most vividly remember was opening a gift that was from Kayleigh. Kayleigh is the name that I had picked out if our first baby (that I miscarried) would have been a girl. It was a soft blanket. I remember hugging the blanket and it felt so soft and smelled so sweet. I'm praying LOTS more lately, and I take it that this dream was reassurance that she's up in heaven and smiling down on us, as comfortable as can be. I'm so fortunate to have her to look forward to meeting one day. Thank you, Jesus! 


  1. That is so cool! I am not pregnant (that I know of), but it sounds like you definitely have a prophetic knack! The part about Kayleigh made me tear up, because I assume this dream gave you a little more peace! I was going through a very stressful time about two years ago, and I all of the sudden had a dream about my grandmother who passed away. I had never dreamed of her, since her passing (which was at least five years prior) until that point. The dream seemed so real, and I remember waking up feeling such a peace. God gives us little ways of reminding us that He is still hanging in there - that is amazing that you were able to see this. You are little ones are precious (I know you already know it), but I thought I would remind you! Thank you for sharing your dream! Glad I was part of it!

  2. This is Courtney (BTW)
