Sunday, March 6, 2011

What you thought you wouldn't do....

"I'll never do that!" Yeah, right! While I was pregnant, I read alot of information, mostly from public forums. Much of the information was not medical advice and as I read *thur* the posts, I'd think, wow, I'll never do that! Well, now that motherhood has officially hit me, I find myself doing whatever it takes to make these girls happy! I mean, how can feeding Karo Syrup to an infant be good? Well, it's good when they make a poop after sucking down a tablespoon full! Watering down formula?? No, can't be right....the FDA approved it like it is---but, a little extra water sure does help the formula stay down! Fruit juice before 3 way. Well, prune juice sure helps lube things up! We've just about figured Brenlee out. She needs watered down milk, 2 ounces of prune juice a day, and Karo syrup in a few bottles each day. When getting fussy, add a teaspoon or so of Gripe Water into her formula---oh and don't forget a few Mylicon drops! Now Cadence, she's a different story. We still haven't quite figured out how to keep her poopin'! Co-Sleeping. Well, we will just leave it at that! I was just thinking over the course of this past week that as I was pregnant, I didn't account for all this. I pictured me at home with two sweet babies, just smiling, cooing, pooping, singing, bathing, dressing up.....hah! It's more like: crying, screaming, bicycling legs, qtips up butt, glycerin suppositories, constantly cleaning up spit up, and a few minutes of eye gazing, smiling and sleeping! Things are changing daily, for the better, so I do look forward to the future. Here are the things from the past that I wouldn't trade for anything, though: the feeling I get in my chest when I am holding Brenlee and Cadence to my chest; it's an immense feeling of satisfaction, unconditional love and sacrifice. I love the sound that Cadence makes when she's eating, too. It's a little gulping sound that will always be music to my ears. The squeaking dinosaur noise that Brenlee makes when she is stretching. She throws her head back, arches her back and sticks her butt out-it's too cute to really describe! Both girls are very appreciative when I'm feeding them, too. They will gaze into my eyes for several minutes and I know that they are enjoying it just as much as I am! One last thing that I wouldn't trade for anything are the relationships that have been established with family and friends. I've thoroughly enjoyed the time I've spent with my Aunt Janna. I've spent more time with her since the twins were born than I have in the past 28 years. My cousin Kristi and her girls have also came over for a few nights and will be back! (I HOPE) Bruce got to spend a week here helping with the girls, too. He changed diapers like a champ, became a bottle making Scientist and we can't forget that he kept my cup full of water or tea the whole time he was here! Randi is great help, too :) She comes over every Tuesday and Thursday for the afternoon before class and I always look forward to that time. And, my Mom. I love her more than I ever thought a daughter could love. She's the best grandma, Lolli, that any kid could have. She's the least selfish person that I've ever encountered. She's given up many hours of sleep to care for the twins. She does this not because she feels like she has to or because she doesn't think we can do it, but because she loves these girls with all her heart. It's written all over her face, all over her heart. She's so patient, kind and loving. I'm privileged to see her interact with Brenlee and Cadence and learn from her. There are just some things that Momma knows best! I look forward to spending more time with other family members, as well. In May, Brent will be leaving town for an entire week. I've asked Connie to come stay with me. I'm very excited about that time, and hope that she'll be able to come! :) So, Randi, Dawn, Daddy, and everyone else that wanted me to write another blog, here it is! I COULD'VE been sleeping or watching Desperate Housewives.....but I love you all so much that I did this instead ;)
Until next time, hasta la vista! (Due to time constraints, I didn't proof read this...hope it makes sence!)


  1. Great blog post! I loved it :) And Momma does know best! As the lyrics in the song go "I'd catch a grenade for you", she would do that for Cadence and Brenlee! She's awesome! And I love my time I spend with the girls, and I miss them so much when I go a few days without seeing them. Thanks for the post ;)

  2. Wonderfully have a beautiful family and as far as Lolli is concerned, you know that I think she is the greatest! Can't wait to see all of you. I miss those babies. All my love.

    Ronnie Mac Chestnut
